The Honorable Gregory J. Hobbs, Jr. (1944 – 2021), former Justice of the Colorado Supreme Court, was renowned for his work in environmental, water, and land use law. His many books include writing on water resource law and poetry.
“I’ve so much enjoyed seeing DU Law students participate in the Tribal Wills work for members of the Ute and Navajo Tribes. In my view, there’s no more interesting country than the Four Corners States of Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah. To be of help to others who really need it! To learn by contributing to these unique communities on their own ground face to face! In the time and place of their need. To be able to do this with fellow law students and practicing attorneys. What a terrific contribution you can make. I hope you are able to join this great work.”
Molly Barnett is an attorney in Boulder, CO and has experience practicing in Indian law and trust and estates law.
“I am proud to be one of the supervising attorneys for the Tribal Wills Project, in which students gain valuable experience in all aspects of client representation while simultaneously furthering important policy goals for tribal land.”
“I participated in the Tribal Wills Project over Spring Break of 2013, the first year. It was truly the most rewarding and valuable experience of my law school career. Tribal Wills allowed me to work one on one with clients for the first time, and I was able to learn a lot about the drafting process. More importantly, I felt like we were using our skills as law students to help others in a meaningful way. I also enjoyed working as a team and getting to know everyone throughout the week. I value this experience and I highly recommend the Tribal Wills Project to anyone in law school.” — Ansley Sherman, JD'14
“The Tribal Wills Project provides the opportunity for students to expand their legal and cultural horizons, while understanding the value of pro bono work. It has been a highlight of my law school career. Not only did I gain lawyering skills through experiential learning, but also connected with the culture of southwest Colorado.” — Kate Puckett, JD'14
“The Tribal Wills Project was the best thing I have done as a DU Law student. I got direct face-to-face experience with clients and felt like the work we accomplished really benefited tribal members on a personal level. I loved the team-dynamic everyone on the project team shared. We essentially opened up a micro law-firm and it felt great when everyone was firing on all cylinders.” — Ryan Cusick, JD'15
"The Tribal Wills Project is the perfect intersection between experiential learning and serving an unmet need in the community. The Project is an opportunity for soon-to-be lawyers to make a difference in people’s lives and gain real-world experience, which augments their law school experience. Moreover, it is an opportunity to offer fundamental legal services to a community that may not otherwise have access to those services. Ultimately, it is a symbiotic and mutually beneficial experience that cannot be replicated in a classroom." — Paul Padilla, Supervising Attorney