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Clinical Faculty Fall 2018 Highlights

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Sturm College of Law

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Associate Professor Patience Crowder

Impact Transaction: Lawyering for the Public Good through Collective Impact Agreements, 49 Indiana L. Rev. 621 (2016) (reprinted in 48 ELR 10681, 2018).

Presenter, Work in Progress, Impact Transaction: Redefining Social Change in the Urban Core through Collective Impact Relational Contracts, Clinical Law Review Writers’ Workshop, New York University School of Law, New York, NY (Sept. 22, 2018).

Planning Committee, 2018 AALS Conference on Clinical Legal Education (May 2017 – May 2018).

Visiting Assistant Professor Nicole Godfrey

Presenter, Work in Progress, Protecting the Dignity and Identity of the Incarcerated, Clinical Law Review Writers’ Workshop, New York University School of Law, New York, NY (Sept. 22, 2018).

Fellow Danielle Jefferis

Chapman v. Bureau of Prisons: Stopping the Venue Merry-Go-Round, 96 Denv. L. Rev. Online 9 (2018) (co-authored with Nicole B. Godfrey).

Moderator, Civil Detention, Uncivilized Conditions: Conditions of Confinement in Immigration Detention, Prisoners’ Advocates Conference, University of Denver Sturm College of Law (October 5, 2018).

Presentation, “Constitutionally Unaccountable,” NYU Clinical Law Review Writers Workshop (Sept. 22, 2018).

Tamara Kuennen, Ronald V. Yegge Clinical Director and Professor

Presenter, Intimate Partner Violence as Social Construct, Colorado Domestic Violence Offender Management Board, October 12, 2018 (Denver CO).

Presenter, Domestic Violence Victimhood as Social Construct, Clinical Legal Writer’s Workshop, New York University Law School, September 22, 2018 (New York City).

Presenter, Impact of Domestic Violence on Children, Rocky Mountain Children’s Law Center Guardian ad Litem Training, August 24, 2018 (Denver CO).

Presenter, Direct Action vs. Legal Action, Preventing Wage Theft, Centro Humanitario Direct Action Team, University of Colorado, Denver, July 14, 2018 (Denver CO).

Co-presenter, Confronting Tensions Between State Involvement in Domestic Violence Cases & Survivor Autonomy, Colorado Action in Advocacy Conference, June 4, 2018 (Vail CO).

Professor Christopher Lasch

The Battle over “Sanctuary Policies” Illuminates the Clash of Values Underlying Today’s Immigration Policy Debates, 52 ABA SEC. INT’L LAW YEAR IN REVIEW 347 (2018). Read more.

Panelist, “Sanctuary Values,” Crimmigration Control International Net of Studies, IV CINETS Conference, “Mobility and Security in an Era of Globalisation: Crimmigration at a Crossroads?” London, England, UK (Oct. 6, 2018).

 Panelist, “Mapping the Right to Counsel in Immigration Proceedings,” University of Denver Sturm College of Law, “The Legacy of Gideon v. Wainwright,” Denver, CO (Sept. 14, 2018).

Panelist, “Crimmigration and Denver Law’s Immigration Law and Policy Clinic,” International Law Society, University of Denver Sturm College of Law, “I.C.E. Cold: International & Domestic Implications of U.S. Immigration Policy,” Denver, CO (Aug. 30, 2018).

Amicus Brief: Rodrigo Esparza, et al. v. Nobles Cnty., et al., No. 53-cv-18-751 (Minn. Dist. Ct., 5th Judicial Dist.). Brief of Law Professors and National Immigrant Justice Center as Amici Curiae in Support of Plaintiffs (Sep. 18, 2018) (with Mark Fleming and Katherine Melloy Goettel) (arguing that arrest by state law enforcement officers based on detainer and administrative warrant issued by federal immigration officials, and/or detention pursuant to intergovernmental services agreement (IGSA) lacked authority under state law and Immigration and Nationality Act).

Sarah Willets, Durham Officials Want to Make Sure No One Ends Up in Immigration Detention Because of Local Policies. Someone Should Tell the Sheriff, INDYWEEK (Sep. 5, 2018). Learn more.

Malcolm Maclachlan, Law would ban ICE in state courts, S.F. DAILY JOURNAL (Aug. 30, 2018). Learn more.

Associate Professor Kevin Lynch

A Fracking Mess: Just Compensation for Regulatory Takings of Oil and Gas Property Rights, 43 COLUM. J. OF ENVTL. L. 335 (2018). Read more.

Presenter, Fracking and Takings: A Forum on Colorado’s Ballot Initiatives, University of Denver Sturm College of Law, Denver, CO, October 2018.

Proposition 112 – An Update on the fracking setback takings measure in Colorado, Urban Land Institute, Denver, CO, September 2018.

Forced Pooling as Private Eminent Domain, Sixth Annual Sabin Colloquium on Innovative Environmental Law Scholarship, Columbia Law School, New York, NY. June 2018.

Valuing Fracking-Takings Claims, Colloquium on Environmental Scholarship, Vermont Law School, South Royalton, VT. September 2017.

Professor Laura Rovner

Panelist, “Legal Strategy in Solitary Confinement Reform—Opportunities and Challenges,” (with Prof. Jules Lobel, Prof. Alex Reinert, & Prof. Judith Resnick) Santa Cruz Academic Summit on Solitary Confinement & Health, Santa Cruz, CA, May 2018.

Panelist, “The Courts’ Impact on Solitary Confinement Reform” (with U.S. District Judge James Patterson & U.S. District Judge (ret.) Shira Scheindlin), Rethinking Solitary Confinement, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Center on Media, Crime and Justice, New York, NY, April 2018.

Robin Walker Sterling, Ronald V. Yegge Clinical Director and Associate Professor

Presenter, Adolescent Brain Development and the Fourth Amendment, Cardozo Law School, September 17, 2018, New York, New York, United States.

Presenter, Fulbright Lecture Series: Revising Ghana’s Children’s Act and Juvenile Justice Act, United States Embassy, June 2018, Accra, Greater Accra Region, Ghana, West Africa.

Presenter and Co-Facilitator, Comprehensive Desk Review and Discussion, Ghana Ministry of Gender, Children, and Social Welfare and UNICEF: Review and Amendment of the Children's Act, Juvenile Justice Act, and Related Laws, October 2017 (frontline system stakeholders); March 2018 (children from around the country); and June 2018 (judges and prosecutors), Kumasi, Ashanti Region, Ghana, West Africa.

Presenter, Children in the Movement: From the Civil Rights Movement to Black Lives Matter, United States Embassy, February 13, 2018, Accra, Greater Accra Region, Ghana, West Africa.

Legal Externships Faculty Highlights

Associate Professor of the Practice Alexi Freeman

Awards & Appointments:

X-ITE Innovation Fellow, (2018-2019)

Outstanding Faculty Member 2017-2018, DU Student Bar Association

Faculty Career Champion, 2017-2018


Alexi Freeman & Katherine Steefel, “Uniting the Head, Hands, and Heart: How Externship Departments Can Combat Public Interest Drift,” Clinical Law Review (forthcoming Spring 2019).


Panelist, “Securing the Right to a Lawyer: A Workshop on Leveraging the Law School Classroom to Combat the Access to Justice Crisis,” 2018 SALT Teaching Conference, University Park, PA (October 5, 2018).

Assistant Professor of the Practice, Kristen Hulse


Panelist“Professional Development from the Podium,” 2018 NALP ALI-CLE Professional Development Institute, Washington, DC (forthcoming November 2018).

Invited Presenter, “Emotional Intelligence – Navigating your Legal Career through Engagement,” Presentation to Associates at Davis Graham & Stubbs, Denver, CO (October 17, 2018).

Presenter, “How Active Listening Can Open Doors to New Opportunities, 2018 Professional Development Consortium Summer Conference,” Portland, OR (July 20, 2018).

Visiting Assistant Professor of the Practice Colleen Scarola


Panelist, Administering Implicit Bias in the Clinical and Externships Setting-Am I the Problem?,” University of South Carolina School of Law, Southern Clinical Conference and Bellows Scholars Workshop, Charleston, SC (October 2018).

Panelist, “Work in Progress-Title TBD,” University of South Carolina School of Law, Southern Clinical Conference and Bellows Scholars Workshop, Charleston, SC (October 2018).

Graduate Tax Clinic Faculty Highlights

Assistant Professor of the Practice of Taxation Samantha Galvin
Assistant Director, Low Income Taxpayer Clinic


“Designated Orders for the week of August 27, 2018: A Pause for Coffey, a New Flavor of Chai, and the Court and Technology,” Procedurally Taxing, (September 25, 2018).  Read more.

“Designated Orders July 30 – August 3, 2018,” Procedurally Taxing, (August 31, 2018). Read more.

“Designated Orders July 2 – July 6, 2018,” Procedurally Taxing, (July 24, 2018). Read more.

“Designated Orders June 4 – June 8, 2018,” Procedurally Taxing, (June 29, 2018). Read more.


Richman, Nathan J., Denver Learns Settlement Days May Not Work During Business Hours, Tax Analysts, (June 5, 2018). Learn more.

Assistant Professor of the Practice of Taxation Erin Stearns
Director, Low Income Taxpayer Clinic


Moderator, How Can I Live On That? ABA Taxation Section Fall Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia (October 5, 2018).

Panelist, Nuts and Bolts of Collection Part II: Next Steps in Assisting Pro Bono Clients with Collections Matters, ABA Section of Taxation Webinar (June 13, 2018).

Presenter, IRS Collection Alternatives, CPE4U Colorado, Denver, Colorado (August 7, 2018).

Presenter, IRS Liability Relief, CPE4U Colorado, Denver, Colorado (August 8, 2018).

Presenter, Offers in Compromise, CPE4U Colorado, Denver, Colorado (August 9, 2018).

Presenter, Tax Research, CPE4U Colorado, Denver, Colorado (August 14, 2018).


Co-Author, Comments Concerning the 2018 Form 1040 and Associated Schedules submitted by the ABA Section of Taxation (October 2, 2018).